Where in the world is Josh?

Josh Trekking West Blog Australia

Hey, hey!

As reported in the Argon Jargon musings late last year I’m currently backpacking, house-sitting and all round ‘trekking’ my way across our great brown land.

I set off in early April on the long, intrepid road to ahh… well, Melbourne. Alright, so it wasn’t much of an initial jump. I have since, however, made my way up through sunny Queensland and into Brisbane, and I’m currently bundled up just outside of Perth waiting for the last remnants of winter to pass.

As much as I miss the Argon Design team and everybody back in Adelaide, I’ve seen and done some amazing things in my short time exploring Australia. From hiking the Kokoda Track inspired 1000 Steps Walk in the Dandenong Ranges, to studying street art in the Melbourne CBD, to marooning myself on the tiny King Island; it’s been quite the journey so far.

On top of continuing to work with Argon on several ongoing projects (as well as participating in the always entertaining in-office banter), I’m recording my adventures under the pun-inspired alias ‘Trekking West’. You can find the beginnings of my budget-based journey on the Trekking West Blog. Alternatively, there’s a slightly more up-to-date account chronicled on the Trekking West Instagram page and a much less up-to-date version on Facebook.

If you would like to talk branding, graphic design, travel, Argon, Adelaide or Australia, I’m always available for a chat. My Argon email address is still the same josh@argondesign.com.au. I’d love to hear from you!

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