Cricket World Cup logos

Having been an avid cricket follower for many years it has always amazed me how abysmal the ICC Cricket World Cup logos have been – with the exception of this year’s logo for the India/Sri Lanka/Bangladesh run tournament. The purpose of a logo is to, in part, showcase what the organisation has to offer – so in this circumstance to show what the hosting country has to offer.

ICC Cricket World Cup 2011

The 2011 tournament has a bright, vibrant logo that has a rich blend of colours and shapes that mesh together well to create an insignia that effectively represents both the host nations and the international game of cricket.

However in terms of quality this is where the list ends sadly, and I will now go through what else the Cricket World Cups have spat out in terms of logos from previous years.

There is only one word that truly depicts the 2007 West Indies logo (and no it’s not an expletive) ‘Clipart!’ The idea behind the logo has merit however the finished product looks like it was designed in the early 80’s for the IBM PC.

I must admit South Africa 2003 is an effective logo to represent the country (the zebra was also the mascot for this tournament). However the yellowy brown object – that I assume is supposed to be a head – looks more like a floating peanut? Maybe it’s supposed to be a ‘cricket box’? Either way the logo does not represent the game of cricket.

Oh I remember the nineties and the singular line designs that were so popular for that time. However the only reason I think this logo is memorable is because I was hooked (pardon the cricket pun) to the computer game that was affiliated with the event.

Speaking of computer games… early Nintendo power ups anybody! FULL POWER! The filthy slog sweep the silhouette is playing is the least of this logos worries – even though it uses a similar range of colours to this years tournament it was not done nearly as effectively and ends up with a hosh-posh of design elements.

Hahahahahahahahaha… ha! Australia I expected better – although it does look like one of the employees of the British owned Benson & Hedges cigarette brand probably came up with the design when they were messing around in an early edition of MS Paint.

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